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One hundred years ago Lee Falk was born, the man who created two legendary comic strip heroes: Mandrake the Magician and The Phantom.
One hundred years ago Lee Falk was born, the man who created two legendary comic strip heroes: Mandrake the Magician and The Phantom. This book is published For more than six decades he wrote the comic strips about his heroes, which were read by millions of fans all over the world. All while also writing plays, short stories, novels, poems; producing and directing plays and travelling all over the world. The masterful Storyteller never settled down and never stopped telling stories. Thi book tells the story about him, in his own words and through his work an the memories of those who knew him.
Författare: | Andreas Eriksson |
Artnr: | 9789186215750 |
Vikt: | 745 gram |
Leveranstid: | 3-5 dagar |
ISBN: | 978-91-86215-75-0 |
Förlag: | GML Förlag |
Bandtyp: | Mjukband |
Format: | 172 x 252 mm |
Antal sidor: | 349 |
Kategori: | Skönlitteratur |